Once again, East Amwell in Hunterdon County makes news for land preservation. I would love to live there, but I doubt I ever could afford it!
This is an official
D&R Greenway Land Trust press release:
Two properties add to Preservation of D&R Greenway's Cattail Brook Preserve in East Amwell Township, Hunterdon County |
This is the Second in a Series of Three Announcements of Newly Preserved Land
Stay tuned for the last announcement!
Importance of Habitat |
The properties contain many hardwood trees including tulip, oaks, black gum,
hickories and includes great groves of beech trees. There is an equally rich mixture of understory trees, even including a small stand of the rare Paw-paw tree.
Native understory includes spice bush, viburnums, witch hazel and many other desireable shrubs and native wildflowers.
The properties will be managed for public recreation and the enhancement of habitat for interior forest species like Barred owl, Scarlet tanager, Pileated woodpecker and many other species that require large intact forested habitats.

- Once again, our incredible partners in East Amwell Township joined up with D&R Greenway Land Trust to continue preserving lands in their community.
- The two wooded interior parcels add 10 acres to the lands permanently protected at our Cattail Brook Preserve in the Sourland Mountains. D&R Greenway now owns 137 acres of woodland and Somerset County owns almost 200 acres of contiguous woodland, creating a significant interior woodland preserve.
- The properties are prime examples of some of the finest mature upland forest in the Sourlands.
- A private donor gave 50% of the acquisition cost to enable this preservation.
Thank you to our partner, East Amwell Township.
D&R Greenway Land Trust
at the Johnson Education Center
One Preservation Place
Princeton, NJ 08540
I posted a comment several years ago on another D & R Greenway blog expressing my pleasure at seeing my grandparent's farm being preserved (Omick Preserve) I would absolutely LOVE to walk the trails through this area (Rocktown) as I have not done so since I was a 12 year old, accompanying my mom on a trip down memory lane for her. I was just a kid and did not appreciate the history or beauty of the area...the farm pond where they used to harvest ice... so cool! The farm was still intact at that time, all buildings are gone, now but the beautiful eco system is still intact! Hoping to visit sometime this year.